Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I never thought I'd feel this way

Ugh. Time changes suck. Especially the one in spring- "spring forward". As in, lose a whole hour of sleep and suffer for a few weeks while adjusting. But this year has given me a new perspective... this whole time change thing is wonderful!

Addison has slept in until 9:00 every day this week! Granted, we have been late to school and Grammi's, but we don't care... we slept in! Waahoo!!

Addison did this a couple of weeks ago, but I knew it was a growth spurt as she was eating us out of house and home. She ate anything and everything put in front of her. And then some. Then, one morning, I went to put a pair of her jeans on her and they were complete high-waters. We are officially in a 2t now. I am realizing that's not at all what this blog was about... just wanted to throw that little tidbit in there.

So, yeah. If Addison doesn't sleep in again tomorrow I will be certain it's because I blogged about it. And in that case, I will never blog again.


Julie said...

I wonder if I blogged about my child being the DEVIL, tomorrow she wouldn't be? hmmm....thanks for the idea! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she slept in....would miss your blog GAGA

Haila said...

Today Kass slept till 9 for the first time ever! Not sure if it's related to the time change, but I like it!