Sunday, October 18, 2009

This Is Crazy

Is it normal to have cravings this early in pregnancy? Is it even possible? Because it not, there is something seriously crazy going on with my body.

Um, I HAVE TO HAVE pickles. Yes, yes, I know... totally textbook craving. But this is SERIOUS. I have already gone through a half a jar in about 10 minutes, and the craving is not satisfied. It's taking everything I have to not go downstairs and finish the entire jar, juice and all.

With Addison I had a few cravings. Macaroni and cheese and cereal come to mind. But these didn't kick in until at least 5 months, and they were never as consuming as this stupid pickle craving!

Gotta go. I figure it's not chocolate or ice cream, so finishing the whole jar isn't that bad. Right?

Update: 30 minutes later... the jar is empty.And yes, I realize it looks like a jar of urine, sorry about that. But I do want to point out that it is my dear husband holding the empty jar, which means that he is not only aware of the fact that I just consumed an entire jar of pickles, but is on board with me sharing this disgusting fact with our friends and family. He really is the best.


Julie said...

My cravings with Sheridan started immediately! But with Leighton, NOTHING sounded good for months and it was highly annoying! That was the time when I was supposed to be able to eat whatever, whenever I wanted and I wanted NOTHING. I was pissed. I ate cereal by default...Lucky Charms to be exact. Then finally, McDonalds happy meals sounded good and I lived off of those. Enjoy your cravings and indulge in them whenever you like! :)

Kyle, Laurel, Elle and Brett said...

You crack me up, Sarah. Love the pickle post. :) I only craved things with Elle very early in the pregnancy. It was pizza that made me happy.

Hza said...

Wow, same thing happened to Em!