Thursday, October 7, 2010

For Your Information

Aiden had his 4 month well check and checked out really... well.

He's 95-100% for height
50% for weight
wait for it...
15% for head.

At least he's growing steadily.

He charms everyone he meets, even strangers who he doesn't meet. I've had numerous strangers approach me saying "you didn't know we were watching your baby from across the room, but we were and just had to come and tell you that he is the smiliest, sweetest baby ever!!"

I agree with them wholeheartedly. He is the cutest baby ever and he charms me every day.

1 comment:

Hza said...

He is a damn cute baby. When can he meet Viv?

P.S. - Viv doesn't date younger men. It's a maturity thing. And she's not dating until she finishes Med school.