Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Addy's first dance class!

Well, the time is now. Addy is officially a dancer. She is taking a two year old combo class on Wednesday mornings. The Tuesday before, she was pretty yucky- definitely wasn't feeling herself, but went to bed just fine, we didn't hear a peep out of her until morning time, when she was all energetic and happy and ready to DANCE!

This dancing is serious business!

The dance class was soo much fun. I enjoyed very much being able to sit and watch my daughter in her class! There are some studios who don't have viewing windows into the dance studios, and that's a bummer for the parents. Being able to watch can make you smile for an hour straight and not even really realize it!

Don't have good action shots. Here's a cute one of them waiting for their turn to go jump on the trampoline.

Addy hugging Elle. Elle's mommy, Laurel, went to high school with me, we both danced on drill team together, and we lived together for 1 year in college. SO glad that Laurel signed Elle up : ) And thrilled that she and Addy are in the same class!

SO much fun! I will reserve my professional critique and assessment for a little ways down the road. ;)


Julie said...

Addy looks adorable! I'm so glad you both enjoyed her first day of dance class!

Melissa Darst said...

oh, how exciting!!! i'm sure addy will be a colonel one day just like her mama!!!