Thursday, June 4, 2009

I just HAVE to!

So, I am tired and have a to-do list a mile long in prep for recital (3 days away!), and I really had no energy or desire to blog. Even with all the shenanigans that went on this week on So You Think You Can Dance.

But, I can't help it! I just HAVE to blog! I lay in bed, and so many thoughts run through my head. I mean...

First. Natalie. Excuse me, but WTF? (f being fudge, of course). I just don't understand! I posted her audition video here on my blog, so clearly, I am a fan. But to just cut her like that OUT OF NOWHERE? Excuse me, but when a choreographer pulls a dancer out in front of the class to demonstrate the dance, that is the choreographer saying YES! THIS IS WHAT I WANT! Does that mean NOTHING to the judges? To quote my friend Holly, why am I so heated?!

Let me just say that I think that Mia Michaels is a hater. And that's too bad. I have a real problem with haters- I don't understand the hate. She is just blatantly egotistical and rude. And I think I am over her choreography, for the most part. I do think she is talented, but find it harder and harder to like her when she continues to display her true, ugly, colors.

On to the brothers. Now, I understand this is a tv show, and it's all about the drama, etc., so I guess I understand why they held out til the end with them. If the brothers had any smarts, they would have figured out that this would be what the producers would do. I guess I just want to say that I really like them. I love their friendship, their closeness, and think that if Melissa and I were to ever be in a situation like that (haha yeah right!), we would be just as loving and supportive and proud as the brothers were. Class acts. Love them.

Speaking of love. L. O. V. E.

Alex Wong.

If you have sort of been just scanning this post because you don't watch SYTYCD, or don't care... I don't blame you. But focus. Pay attention. Because this is important.

Alex Wong.

Holy Crap.

He couldn't be on the show because of his contract with the Miami Ballet. And my heart is weeping. Sound dramatic? It is. My love for him is true. I mean, come on. First of all, some of you know (now all of you do), I love Asians. I really don't think I've ever known an Asian I didn't like. I just think they are beautiful, elegant, I just love them, okay? Melissa said the other day I need to adopt an Asian baby and she's right. Ummmm, anyway. Obviously, my love for him goes beyond that. Watch him. WATCH him. His talent is breathtaking. Alex Wong. HELLO. I love you.


Kyle, Laurel, Elle and Brett said...

I couldn't have said it better. Your paragraph on Natalie... right on!

holly b. rios said...

ugh. foreal. :)