Thursday, January 15, 2009

Juggling hats

I can only wear so many hats. Mommy hat, wife hat, dance teacher hat, business owner hat, friend hat, you get the idea. It is getting to be too much, and I have had to take some hats off lately in an effort to keep my life in order.

I would like to learn how to wear them all at the same time. Like a magic trick would come in handy. Ta-da! I can wear 100 hats all at once!! I can excel at everything!! But, the realistic (smart) part of me knows that this is never going to be possible. So I need to learn to accept that sometimes, I just can't do it all.

Again, the realistic (smart) part of me knows that in order for me to truly be happy with each aspect of my life, I have to devote time and energy to things individually. For me to be the best mommy I can be, I HAVE to take time every now and then to do nothing but be a mommy. Same goes for business owner. There are just some times where I have to devote everything to the business. And so on and so on with the rest of my "hats".

The above mentioned are things I know realistically. Again, the smart part of me knows these things... unfortunately that part of my brain has not been dominant lately. It seems that most days lately are made of frustration, guilt, stress, pressure, and not much fun. And before you think it, yes, I know this is NOT normal. Or good.

Maybe I shouldn't post this. I don't want anyone to worry. It seems so melodramatic, and really, truly, I am fine. Just hit a bump in the road. Really, just wondering... when will I finally get used to my life? And when will I be able to navigate it while wearing multiple (very fashionable, of course) hats?


Melissa Darst said...

I hear ya, sista!! It is so, so hard sometimes. You could have pulled these words from my head. Somehow hearing you write them (I say hearing because I can just hear you saying all this - love how you write just like you talk!) makes me feel better. So thanks for that!! And YOU need to keep up all the Super Mom work!!

Julie said...

I thought those thoughts WERE normal, so you are definitely not alone in feeling that way! And oh yeah, when you figure out how to wear them all at the same time...let me know! :)