Saturday, May 23, 2009

Addison's Party. AND my prediction for the new world record for longest blog post and most pictures in one post.

Here we go. SO. I have so many things to say and so many pictures to share. I hope you enjoy. Sorry in advance if you don't. As stated before, ALL of these pics (and lots more!) will eventually end up on our shutterfly page. So if you actually DO enjoy these pictures, there will be a place for you to see more.

I first just kind of want to brag, because I think that things went really well, and I am proud of myself for pulling together not just a decent party, but an actually fun one as well, with the stress I've been under lately. And with the time that I actually spent planning the party.

The party started at 10:00, so we had coffee, oj, fruit salad and Krispy Kreme donuts to offer before cake and presents,etc. The kids all played in the Purple room" or "big" room (it's actually "studio one", but whatever.)room, and surprise, surprise... Addison spent at least 75% of her time on the trampoline:

Abbie getting in on the jumping action
Taking a break from all of the jumping
Uncle Adam providing entertainment for the kids and adults

A decent shot of how the party looked for the most part- kids running around doing their own thing...

The kids were playing house and wanted me to be "the teenager". ha. Starting with me going counter-clockwise: Micah, Jude, Kassidy, Addison, Bella, Audrey, Chloe, Abby and Lyla

I don't have many good shots of present opening, but Addy was a very sweet girl, she individually hugged everybody after receiving their gifts. Of course, I totally made her do it, but she was very sweet. Here she is hugging Ms. Bess :)

"Uncle" Bobby painted her a picture!!
And how sweet is this hug?

PINATA TIME!!! I have SO many pictures that I am not going to post out of respect for you and your time, but if you read this and want pics of your kids whacking the pinata, let me know and I'll email them to you. They are all AWESOME pics :)

Addy went first... Going at that pinata just like her mama. Nice and dainty.

I am not reserving pinata pictures only for Addison. While everyone else at the party was really cute, and I really do have GREAT pics of all, I just have to share these pictures of ny nephew, Micah. He went at that pinata with the strength of an eight year old. It was crazy! (notice the faces of the big kids in the background. you might also notice my moving closer and closer to protect all the kids!)

Again, really going after that pinata with full force.

So, by this point, the pinata had slightly broken. Here are some more gems of my EIGHTEEN MONTH OLD nephew:

Maybe the world's cutest baby. Baby Luke.

Finally, cake time. We have a Baskin-Robbins a couple doors down from the studio, so got Addy a cake with strawberry ice cream and vanilla cake.
"Happy Birthday, to ADDY!"

Kids eating cake!

Just a really sweet picture of Ginger and Jude.

Literally the best shot we could get of the whole group. It's actually pretty good! Top row, L-R: Meredith, Bella, Audrey. Second row: Chloe, McKennah holding Luke, Lyla, Abby, Kassidy. Front row: Addy, Jude, Abbie holding Micah.

Yup. I'm tired. But now can check this off of my "to do" list. I just figured out how to upload these pics to my studio website under the birthday party tab. It might be after 1:00, but I also might go update my website. We'll see...

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