Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day

Well, I have to start by saying that I have a wonderful husband, who is a wonderful father, and I am truly, truly lucky to have nabbed such a great man.

Mother's Day started out a little rough (not for lack of Mike's trying, though). I was brought coffee in bed, but before the coffee made it to my hands, it spilled all over our carpet beside the bed. My wonderful husband volunteered to go out and buy me a new coffee, and when he returned 15 minutes later, the coffee was disgusting. Like with coffee grounds floating on the top, and the bottom of the cup completely covered in grounds. yuck.

Anyway. I then went outside to find sidewalk art that Mike and Addy had designed while I was sleeping in. Here are some pictures Mike took of the process.

After we spent the morning together, we headed to my mom's house, where Mike and Adam cooked dinner, dessert, and even cleaned up after themselves! We were treated to steaks, baked potaotes, salad, cheesecake and chocolate covered strawberried. Yummy! We had to postpone mother's day celebrations with Mike's mom and Nana to this weekend... hopefully a post will follow.

I hope all you mommys out there had as wonderful of a day as I did! Happy Belated Mother's Day to you all! (shouldn't every day be Mother's Day?)

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