Saturday, March 20, 2010

"That's the Rules"

A lot going on, a lot to blog about, will get to all of it soon... But I forget so much of what Addison says and does, I wanted to make note of this while I'm thinking about it.

Addison's new way of "asking" for something, or really, getting what she wants, CRACKS ME UP. She'll tell me "That's the rules".

For example, on the way home from dinner tonight, Mike and I were discussing making a quick trip to the grocery store for orange juice. Knowing that Addison would want to go in the store with Mike, I told her in advance that she would have to wait in the car with me while he just ran in real quick. I told her that it was too cold outside to get out of the car for such a short trip to the store.

"No, Mommy. I'm going to put my jacket on and go in with Daddy. That's the rules."

Earlier today we drove by the swimming pool and she said "Maybe we can go swimming soon!" I told her yes, when the weather gets warmer, we will definitely go swimming. "We have to go swimming SOON, that's the rules."

We have obviously used the line about obeying the rules a few times... it's really hit home with her!

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