Wednesday, June 30, 2010

5 weeks

...and two days

I put out my "5 week" card this morning to remind myself to take his pictures, and as you'll notice, when I came back to the card I found that Addy added her own designs.

This is the best smiling picture I was able to get. He has the sweetest smile, it's not quite how it looks in this photo:

Here's a shot of him during tummy time. He really is SO long. And his hands and feet are quite big. Just like his daddy! (I like this one, because he found his thumb to soothe himself...he'd been on his tummy for a little too long!)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to my sweet Mike!

Yesterday Mike turned 31. He's caught up with me :-)

We spent the day before his birthday celebrating with family. First we went to his parents house. Here are some good pictures I got of Grammi and Grandpa with their grandkids. (you'll have to excuse Grandpa's eye. Sounds like a workout injury. What is is with these Adair men injuring their eyes?)

Then, we joined my family for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Mike and my grandmother share a birthday, we always celebrate together.

Auntie and Addison

Uncle, Auntie and Addison

My beautiful grandmother. I thought this was her 90th birthday, turns out she's only 89 this year.

Auntie with Aiden

Then yesterday, his actual birthday, we joined some friends for Happy Hour at Dave and Busters. That place is HEAVEN for Addison. She loves it! No pics, except for this one, taken from my cell phone.

I know that Mike would say that this birthday was a great one. He got a Play Station 3, a brand new X Box and 3 months worth of lawn care. If you know how much Mike hates mowing the lawn, you know how awesome this is. :-) Thanks to everyone who joined us to help make his birthday special!

We're changing career directions- and entering the fabulous world of modeling.

After seeing these pictures, how could we not??

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Potty (yes, I said it. Potty. Feel free to skip this one if the title doesn't peak your interest)

So. Addison is thisclose to being FULLY potty trained. Here's how it happened:

One of the requirements for Princess Camp was that all dancers needed to be potty trained. Knowing full well that Addison was more than capable of not wetting her panties, I sent her to camp in panties. Sure enough, she came home with them dry. She never went potty at camp, but the key is that she didn't have any accidents. On the first day after camp, as soon as we got home, I sat her on the potty and she went pee pee! Success! We'd been holding onto this little My Little Pony Car, waiting for a good time to give it to her, and figured this would be as good a time as any. So, we rewarded her GREATLY, and later that day, she not only peed again, but pooped too!

So. The next day, she went to camp in panties, kept them dry, but was not at all interested in sitting on the potty afterward. Insisted on a diaper.

Yesterday was the first day I felt I had the energy to "fight the fight" and really work on potty training her. So Addy and I made a potty chart together. We agreed that if she peed on the potty she'd get one sticker, and for poo poo, she'd get THREE.

This is Addy's contribution to the chart: (she said "This says Addison's potty chart") :)

Here she is hanging up the chart.

And here she is after her putting her first sticker on- PEE PEE!

And here's the chart today. We stopped putting them in the right row for the day, she just placed them where she felt like it. And the big ones aren't any more significant than the small ones. And eventually, poo and pee both earned one sticker. She was pooping a lot, and we were going through stickers pretty quickly ;)

The idea in the beginning was that after 5 stickers, she'd get a treat. We've had to stop that, though... for obvious reasons. We can't afford that at the rate she's going!

She's only had one accident- a little bit of poo poo, because we were WAY in the back of Target, and she couldn't make it in time. Other than that, we've been accident free for two days now!

She'll kill me when she's older for putting this up, but oh well...

Yay Addison! Yay yay yay!!! FINALLY!

New Bathtub

Sorry to bore you with silly, uneventful things like a new bathtub, but, well, I'm excited about it, Mike took some pictures, so here we are...
(he's getting to be a chunk, isn't he?)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

He's a Prodigy!

Aiden rolled over this morning! TWICE!

He was having his "tummy time", and twice I walked by and saw him on his back instead of his tummy, the way I left him! So crazy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Splash Pad

This afternoon, we took Addy to the splash pad in Brushy Creek park to meet up with Addy's sweet friend Embyr.

There were some ducks nearby, and Addy had so much fun walking up to them, and even petting them!

While Addison played, Mommy and Aiden lounged in the shade :-)

Afterwards, we went to PF Changs (YUM). Here's a sweet shot of Addy and Embyr.

Princess Camp

If there is something better suited for Princess Addison, I challenge you to find it. I mean, come on... Princess. Camp. Gimme a break.

Here is a sampling of the outfits that Addy chose to wear to camp this week:
(in this photo she is holding the "pony car" we rewarded her with for keeping her panties dry all during camp!!!)

Here are Addison and her best friend, Erin from school, who registered for Princess Camp as well!!

And here's Addy during her performance. So cute.

With Ms. Katy, her teacher all year, and her teacher at Princess Camp. We'll miss Ms. Katy- she's moving to Houston to dance professionally with a ballet company!

After camp, we went for frozen yogurt to celebrate. So yummy!!

We are signed up for Princess Camp again in August, and I'm not sure Addy can wait that long!

Sleeping Baby

Is there anything cuter than a baby sleeping, booty in the air?

Monday, June 21, 2010

4 weeks

Too many cute pics this week. You're getting more than one.

New Aiden development: HE'S SMILING! He smiled at me (multiple times) yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. So awesome! I'll try my best to get a picture soon, but I'm usually too wrapped up in the amazingness of it to think about grabbing the camera. You might be thinking, but Sarah posted a smiling picture above (3rd one down). Yeah, he's pooping in that picture. Just want to keep it real.

A not so fun Aiden develpoment: he's wanting to eat literally every hour. I keep reading that this is a normal age for this, as he's most likely going through a growth spurt. But the boy is sucking the life out of me. I can't wait for this to be over and for him to go back to every 3-4 hours!

So, yep, I love him. That's all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Addison's First Recital

Ok. So. I've been teaching dance for twelve years now, and directing recitals for eight. And I'm not gonna lie: from the beginning, I've been looking forward to the day my own daughter would be participating. And I just have to say, as excited as I was for this time to come, I am 100% sure that Addison was more excited. Recital MADE HER LIFE.

Dress Rehearsal was on Monday. As soon as she put her tutu on, she turned into a diva. "Mama, I need more lip make-up" was just one of the things she said to me that night. It cracked me up! She totally knew how to pose for pictures, too, which was really funny to me as well...

Here are a couple of pictures of her performing at Dress Rehearsal:

The ending pose!

She was so cute watching all of the other dancers as well. She followed her cousin Abigail around a lot, and wanted to dance with her when it was her turn. She also (and this really was precious to me) would yell "GO JUNIOR RISING STARS!!!" when my team was performing. She went to class with me every week when I would direct those girls, and it was obvious that she feels close to them. So cute. When it came time for Mike to take her home, she said, "BUT I LOVE IT HERE!"

Recital was the next day, and boy, was she ready. Here we are backstage before the show:

Addy onstage before the show.

All lined up, ready to take the stage!

Right after the show :)

It wasn't until dinner afterward that I realized we didn't get a family photo. This was the best we got. Aiden was *a little* hungry. And Addy was *a little* tired. And Mike *might* have murmured under his breath that it was totally ridiculous for me to expect a family photo at that exact moment in time. Whatever.

Uncle Frank and Aunt Cheryl drove in from California, and made it just in time for the recital! (literally just. in. time.) I can't wait to see the pics that Uncle Frank got! I'll post them as soon as I get them. (I will get them, right Uncle Frank?)