Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'd forgotten what color it was.


I'm not sure the pictures do it justice (and I think that there is a strange light shadow right in the spot where the couch goes- it doesn't look that way in person. And there are still indentations on the floor left by the furniture- those aren't stains). I'm not sure that a single picture can capture the glory, the beauty of a steam cleaned floor. But this is what Mike and I did today. Steam cleaned our carpet. With a steam cleaner that was given to us over a year ago. But I digress. Mike and I handed Addison off to GaGa (HUGE thanks to GaGa!) and plowed through our house. I am embarrassed that I let my house get to the point that I did. It was in desperate need of a major cleaning. SO. This is the result of 6.5 hours of cleaning, 7 full garbage bags, 2 large bags for Goodwill, and lots and lots of sweat (no blood or tears). And oh, it feels so good!


Anonymous said...

Has it really been a year since we (NaNa, PaPa, Marshall and I) gave you that steam cleaner???? Wow! Time goes by so fast! The carpet looks great!!! I'm so glad you felt it did a good job and next time, let us know and we'll help you move the furniture!

Julie said...

Girl - you've been holding out on me! I had NO IDEA you had a blog!!! So glad I found it! Oh, and feel free to bring your steam cleaner over to my house! ;)