Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's that time of year!

Ugh, I'm sick. Like, stay in bed under the covers, shiver then sweat then shiver again, achy body, chest cough, can't even muster the energy to pee sick. It's like my body knew that today was the first day of my "vacation" and held on through my last week at the studio. Which I guess is a good thing. It's just that I keep hearing Mike and Addison downstairs and I feel like I am missing out on the fun. Addison's laugh is echoing through the whole house. I'll hear Addy say "baby" or "oooohhhhhhhhhhh!" or Mike say "I got you!" or "woo hoo!" and I SO want to be down there with them. Then again, I have heard a lot of "no" and my favorite, "no no no no nononononononono!" and I'm not gonna lie, I'm not too upset to be upstairs for those episodes.

Here's the real problem with my being sick. I'm not done working. Tomorrow my girls are dancing at the mall (4:00, Lakeline, in front of JC Penny) and Monday night we will be at the Trail of Lights (8:15). I am laying here hoping that all my body needs is constant rest today and tonight. That I will be able to muster up the energy to finish out the year at work. Otherwise I will show up tomorrow wrapped in a blanket, feet in slippers, tissues stuffed in the pockets of my robe, hair sticking straight up. Cause there aint no way I'll do any better than that if I don't get to feeling better soon.

Nap time. Night.

1 comment:

Melissa Darst said...

Again, another super entertaining post. I'm so sorry you are sick!!