Sunday, December 7, 2008

Meeting Santa

Every year our neighborhood has a big Holiday celebration, and Mike and I were excited to take Addison on Sunday morning. There were train rides, 2 bouncy houses, AND... the playground that Addison plays on all the time. Wouldn't you know it? Addison wanted to play on her old faithful, the playground. Not the awesome train that was so perfect for kids her age. Or one of the bouncy houses, totally designed for kids her age. But I digress. While Mike played with Addison, I waited in line for an hour and a half so we could get a picture with Santa. They joined me when things started looking hopeful, and we were in line for another 30 minutes. Addison was so patient and well-behaved. She could see Santa the whole time and was really getting excited to meet him. Everytime the line moved, she would open her mouth and eyes really wide in her new form of exclamation. Sadly, we still haven't captured that expression on camera yet...

But we were able to get a picture of Addison while she was saying "Ho Ho Ho". She was very proud of her new accomplishment. This was very entertaining to all of the parents in line around us!

It was finally our turn, and Addison was so excited! First, she met Mrs. Clause...

And then, it was finally time. She smiled a huge grin toward Santa, Mike put her in Santa's lap, and...

Poor Baby. Mike and I were afraid this would be her reaction, but were encouraged by her behavior in line. Bummer. She WAS excited about Santa. Silly Mommy and Daddy just didn't understand that her excitement had nothing to do with sitting in his lap!!


Sunny said...

Oh that is priceless!

Julie said...

If it makes you feel any better, this year was the first year Sheridan was excited about Santa. And by excited I mean, ran up to him, sat in his lap all on her own, and SMILED! No crying, no was beautiful! And it only took us three years!