Monday, August 24, 2009

I can brag here

When updating my facebook status or twitter, I often want to brag about my (limited) conquests in the kitchen. But I rarely do it, for fear of boring people. I feel the need to keep my updates varied to keep them semi-entertaining. Does anyone else do that, I wonder? I'm sure. Anyway (I realize I say that word a lot), since I can't brag there, I figured why not the place whose title alone gives me the right to brag: hello, If I can't brag here where can I brag?

Tonight's fun for me dinner was chicken fried chicken breasts (all natural, of course), mashed potatoes, corn and biscuits. YUMM-YYYYY!!!! I'll admit, when I cook, I'd like to try recipes a bit more "foody". if you will. I'd like to at least know what the contestants on Top Chef are talking about. But, seeing how we had every single ingredient here at the house, we went for it.

Addison helped me along the way- putting the potatoes in the bowl, before I put them in the boiling water, helped poor the flour in the bowl for the chicken breading. She was mesmerized by my malletting skills (that's what you use to pound down meat, right?) That seemed to be very intense for her- watching me pound meat with a strength behind my elbow she didn't know existed! Anyway (again,), I double dredged the chicken, and just cooked one side until crispy and brown, then flipped it and left it alone for at least 15 minutes. They were PERFECT. Extra juicy, flavorful fried coating. MMMM.

Then Addison helped Daddy with the potatoes. He mashed them to the consistency he likes, and Addison and I poured just boiled half and half, butter, salt and pepper in while I whisked it in. These were perfect potatoes (a first for me). The corn was just corn. The biscuits were great- gotta thanks Grands. And of course we had gravy. The gravy completed the meal.

I am sure as we all lay in our beds, we have gained a collective 10 lbs with this meal. It was a good 'un.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... come over here and cook for me! Mom