Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This whole potty training thing is for the birds

I really don't know if anyone reads this aside from Addy's grandmothers, but this is for them, since I know they care.

Potty training update: Addison is trying out the whole panty wearing thing. This morning, she told me she had to go pee pee, we ran to the potty, she went and I was SO HOPEFUL. In the few hours that have passed, she has peed in her panties twice and done the other (don't make me say it) once. My hopes have been crushed. She is currently wearing a diaper, which has stayed dry since it's been put on. Prediction: once she puts panties on again, they'll last 5 minutes.

Side note: as I type this, Addison is playing with her cousins at GaGa's house. We are in GaGa's room while she's in the office and Addison just fell off the couch, face first, into Micah's lap. No tears- just hysterical giggling. It's too funny! Wish someone else were here to see it- it is really cute.

Ahem, sorry. Got sidetracked. Potty training. Right.

I don't like it.


Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration... potty training is not fun. She'll get there, it will just take time. Don't give up...she and you are doing just fine with something that is very difficult.
Hang in there!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, you don't want her going to college in diapers, so stick with and she will get there! GaGa (BTW, you were NOT going to get "trained", when you decided it was something you wanted to do you just did it)

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with GaGa. Addison has a mind of her own and will set her own pace... try not to let it get to you. She, and you, will survive this and one day laugh about it when she has children of her own (which will happen before you know it). Believe it or not, you'll miss these days in the not too distant future.