Friday, August 28, 2009

Vertigo. ? .

I woke up this morning feeling okay. Not great, but not awful. Last night I had my staff over for a little get together, we had pizza and wine, so I wasn't surprised to feel not great this morning. But the not great feeling got worse, and soon, I felt BAD. My symptoms were: dizziness, fatigue, light-headed, achy... I had a hard time even walking up stairs, I couldn't really find my footing. It was scary! I don't like to do this, but I looked up my symptoms online, and it sounds like vertigo to me. I could possibly have an inner ear infection causing all of this. If I feel bad tomorrow morning, I'll make an appt. and see a doc as soon as possible. It's just miserable, though! I have to say that Addy was wonderful all day. She just cuddled with me, or entertained herself when I wanted to lay down. Understandably, I made no effort to potty train. Oh, well. There's always tomorrow. (When Daddy's around during the day! yay!)

1 comment:

Julie said...

I've sort of been feeling the same way since yesterday. I think I've got some allergies added to the mix though. I hope you feel better!! Keep us updated on what the doctor says if you have to go.