Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I got a new phone. Totally annoyed that I got it like, 15 days before Verizon announced they're offering the iPhone. But whatever. That's beside the point. The point is, I got a Droid and can now easily blog from my phone.

Why would I want to do that? I know, I thought the same thing. But here I am, at 1:30 in the morning blogging from my phone.

Aiden is sick. Miserable. Currently sleeping on my chest. If he's not sleeping on my chest, he's awake and I'm holding him. He cries, "mama, mama" if I'm not holding him. It's so sad. He vomited a few times this morning (yesterday morning?) but hasn't for the rest of the day. I took him to the doctor this afternoon (more on that later) and he thinks he has what I had Sunday and Monday. Duh. I was achy, my head hurt, I was just flat out miserable. Hopefully tomorrow he'll start to feel better. And hopefully both of us get some sleep tonight. (I'm not counting on it)

We went to the doctor today for Addison. She is STILL complaining that her ears hurt. Thankfully they're not still infected. He thinks that nasal pressure is bothering her and causing her ear pain. He prescribed her a nasal spray... so we'll see.

My fingers and hand hurt. This whole blogging from the phone thing is for the birds. I'm going to try to sleep sitting up while holding a big baby. And on that note, I bid you farewell.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Poor babies. :-( I hope you start feeling better soon. We used to have to sleep with my youngest on us when she was a newborn. For about 2 months she would only sleep if one of us was holding her or if I co-slept with her...but a sick baby means you'll be listening to every sound he makes.

I love my droid. I've had it for a year, and apparently, they are ranked higher in customer satisfaction for users who have switched from the iphone. :-) I have only blogged once from my phone. It is too small for that. haha