Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First day of school

Last night when putting Addison to bed, I reminded her that when she woke up in the morning, it would be time to get ready to go to school. And boy, did she remember.

Overheard via monitor: "Mommy, are you? Addy wake. School day! Mommy! School day!"

There were no fights over her outfit, no fights over her hair, and... this is the big one... no fights over her shoes. She was ready and willing to do whatever it took to get to school!

On the car ride there, we talked about how Mommy was not going to stay, I had to go to work, that I would come back to get her when school time was over.

"Okay, mommy. You go to work. I go to school"

I sensed a brief moment of panic as we parked the car. "Mommy stay?" I reminded her that this was HER school and of all of the fun things Ms. Amy and Ms. Sarai (WHY does she spell it that way? It's totally pronounced Sarah. WhatEVER)... um, I told her about all of the fun things her teachers had planned, and the panic subsided, she was back to being excited.

There were no tears as I dropped her off. There were however, tears when I picked her up. She was just a tired little girl. Pick-up time was pretty rushed, since it was the first day, so I didn't get much from her teachers aside from "She did great!"

When I asked her how her day was and what she did, she responded, "eat dinner". Funny thing is, when I looked in her lunch box, 95% of her sandwich remained, her yogurt was still un-opened- all that seemed to be missing was the grapes. Aside from "eating dinner", I wasn't able to get much more out of her. We'll see if she'll share more after Friday's class.

And now, the part you've probably been waiting for. The pictures!

Bye, Mommy!!

OKAY, Mommy. Let's GO!

Waiting patiently for her turn to go in. (the first day, they go in one at a time) We won't comment on the sleepy eye look she's sporting.

There she goes, my big 2 year old! (and the cutes, curliest, head of hair you've ever seen!)

1 comment:

gaga said...

maybe she ate someone else's "dinner"