Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This morning after dropping Addy off at school, I walked back out to my car, and saw two women having a conversation behind my car. Didn't think much of it. So, I got in my car, started my car, put the car in reverse, eased my food off the brake, and stopped after moving one inch, because the women were still there. Now, instead of, I don't know, MOVING OVER 3 FEET, the women just STOOD there and continued their conversation!! You might recall, if you live in Austin, that it was raining this morning. These idiot women had neither the wherewithal to stand under an umbrella or move to the covered car port, or the common sense to freaking move out of the way of a car trying to go somewhere. These were either really bitchy or really stupid women I was dealing with here. They for sure saw me- my car was on, reverse lights were on, and I was a foot away from them, exhaust fumes warming their calves. So, I sat in my car for TWO minutes before these crazies wrapped up their conversation and moved along their merry way. Mike asks "why didn't you say something?" and I don't know!! I think I was just so PISSED that it somehow felt good to fume in my car while timing them. Does that make me dramatic? Probably, but who are we kidding, we all know I am slightly dramatic. Anyway, drama aside, this made me so angry that it practically ruined the first half of my day.

Gladly, and miraculously, my day ended on a good note. So these two horrible mommys didn't ruin my WHOLE day. Just half of it.



gaga said...

I'm glad you got that off your chest, and that it didn't ruin your whole day

Sarah said...

Sheesh! It really peeved me! I'm steamed just thinking about it!!

Brittany said...

Wow! I'm steamed just reading that! What biotches!

Hza said...

It's probably because you still look like a teenager. It happens to me when people knock on my door and ask for my parents.