Sunday, November 15, 2009

Did You Know?

The baby who is starting to poke it's way through what used to be my semi-flat tummy and making it's appearance through the ever-fun "baby bump" is the size of a peach.

On a semi-related note, I had a dream a few nights ago about our baby. It was the most detailed dream I think I've EVER had. We had a girl, Mike missed the birth, as it was a very quick labor and delivery- I only pushed two times. (I told you it was detailed!) She came 3 weeks early, weighed 6lbs 8 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She had LOTS of dark hair, and it was very curly. We did name her, but I won't tell what the name was quite yet, because if this baby IS a girl, the dream name will indeed be her name. And for whatever reason I'm not ready to share. Oh, and when I woke up, I looked down at my still small tummy and was SO SAD. It's going to be so long until I get to meet this baby, I don't want to wait to have the feeling I felt so vividly in my dream!!

While pregnant with Addison, I had girl dreams, too. I wonder if this means anything?? We'll just have to wait and see, I guess...


Julie said...

I think it definitely means you're having a girl! I'm a firm believer in those dreams. I had girl dreams with both pregnancies....therefore, it must be accurate! ;)

The Smallwood Family said...

Congratulations Sarah!! Mom told me you were pregnant - so great! I had a very vivid girl dream when I was pregnant with Savannah - I am a firm believer that is means something!