Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm Not Sure What to Think About This

A couple of weeks ago, one of my four year olds asked me what I am going to name my baby. I told her I didn't know and she went ahead and listed a few suggestions. One of which was "Munkus Trap". Ha. I stifled my giggles and wrote the "name" down so I would be sure not to forget it.

I knew this was blog-worthy, but it wasn't until I googled Munkus, just to be sure it was just a made-up word, that I realized it is indeed blog worthy. I guess you could say it is just a make-up word... but when googled, the first thing that comes up are two definitions from

I won't give the definitions here, as I'm not sure who exactly reads my lil ol blog, and I certainly don't want to offend anyone. Let's just say it's... sexually graphic?

I hope this little girl just happened to make up the word Munkus, and wasn't repeating it after hearing it somewhere.

And if I wasn't considering Munkus Trap for our child's name, I certainly am not now.


Brittany said...

HAHA! I just googled Munkustrap as one word and it's a character from Cats... the broadway. HOPEFULLY that's where this 4 year old got the name? haha. :)

Sarah said...


Wow, your detective work was obviously more thorough than mine. I just looked at the first thing I saw for Munkus.

Oh, Brittany... where would I be without you? :)

Brittany said...

haha... actually, I used Google and Yahoo to search it and didn't get any kind of definition other than the Cats character LOL. Maybe I have filters turned on or something? haha.

You're welcome :D haha.