Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reasons I Swear I'm 5 Months Pregnant

1. I'm hot all the time. If you're in Austin, you know we had a cold front blow through. As I type, the ceiling fan is on high, and a mini-fan is 3 feet away from me, blowing on high, directly on me. My husband is under 3 blankets. No joke.

2. I feel baby move. I swear I do. It's not gas. I'm very familiar with that feeling.

3. Nausea has subsided. Headaches have kicked in. Bad, splitting headaches.

4. I have energy again! (Well, sorta. But to be fair, I can't remember the last time I had ENERGY. I think it was circa 1993.) I actually cook and clean again. (Well, sorta. But to be fair...)

5. I get REALLY hungry at night. Like, I need to whip up some chicken and rice, with a side of fruit and a roll, hungry. And then maybe top it off with some jello. Maybe. mmm, Thanksgiving leftovers are gonna be AWESOME this year.

6. TMI

Reasons I CAN'T be 5 months pregnant.

1. I don't have a belly, really. Still in regular jeans, etc. I mean, I have a muffin top to go OVER the jeans, but no baby belly. Just the previously mentioned roundness.

2. Well, I'm not 5 months pregnant. We know this to be a fact.

That's all. Goodnight.


Anonymous said...


Sarah said...


Sarah said...

Nah, anonymous. I'm sorry. I've been bothered by my sarcastic "rude" reply all day, wondering if you, whoever you are, would get it. I meant no harm. Feel silly now. For worrying. But had to say it. I really am a nice person!