Friday, November 27, 2009

Two Days of Thanksgiving

This is the way to do it. Instead of cramming two huge and delicious meals into one day, it's easier on the tummy (and stamina) to break it up into two days.

Day one (Thanksgiving day) was spent at Grammi and Grandpa's:

The whole family

Addison and Daddy :-)

With NaNa and PaPa

With Grammi and Grandpa

After lunch at Grammi and Grandpa's, we headed home to decorate our tree. While Addy napped, Mike and I put the tree up and started hanging ornaments, careful to save plenty of ornaments for Addison to hang.

Yeah, she really wasn't interested. In fact, this is about as excited as she got:

Which turned into this. (Lack of interest from both Addy AND Daddy... in favor of The Polar Express):

Oh, well... I enjoyed decorating. And here's the finished product:

Day TWO. At GaGa and Grandma's house.

Me with sweet baby Annalie

Micah and Addy watching Elf and eating snacks. Too cute.

Working hard in the kitchen.

So funny. I guess she was hungry and could tell the food was almost ready.

All the "big kids" at the table. Now that there's a baby, they're the big kids.

My dear, dear Grandma.

I don't remember Annalie being fussy, hmmm...

Miguel, Adam and some crazy lady with a baby.

And... the grand finale. La creme de la creme. The SHOWSTOPPER. A food SO worth blogging about, it beat out bourbon glazed turkey, home made pumpkin and pecan pie, even my very own sweet potato bake that I thought went over quite well. Yes, it is that good.

Oh, yes I did. I MADE these delicious little tastes of heaven. I got the recipe through a blog through a blog through a blog. (I follow Julie's blog... she follows this blog. Who follows THIS blog. Yes, yes... I am a blog stalker. Especially of food blogs.) Anyway, these Crunchy Caramel Reeses Bars were as good as they look and sound. The recipe is here.

Yep, this year's Thanksgiving was a good one. Still very thankful. Only now I have the taste of Thanksgiving food every time I burp. Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I should have kept that to myself.


Julie said...

I LOVE it that you made those from Missy's blog!! :) I will have to try them! And I agree, we break up Thanksgiving into two days between the families and it really is the best!!

Sarah said...

You love it? Aren't a little bit scared of the length my stalking tendencies go? ;)

I miss you and your blog. Hope you're feeling well. Hope you even come back here and read this!

Happy Holidays, Julie!

Julie said...

It takes a lot to scare me! ;) I'm a fellow stalker, too so I can understand those lengths. ha, ha!

I miss you too! I'm glad one of us is keeping up with their blogs so I can keep up with you. :) I've been thinking about posting something on mine so hopefully it will happen sometime this week!

Happy holidays!!

gaga said...

Yeah the picture of Mike and Addison is a classic....but Mike did a great job on the outside lights, so he made up for the lack of enthusiasm of the inside lights. Maybe you needed more ballet shoes on your tree for Addison to get excited!

Anonymous said...

Great picture of everyone at the table Thanksgiving. We miss you and thanks for the card. Addison is growing up fast.

The Jessups