Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

So much to be thankful for this year! Of course, so much to be thankful for EVERY year, but I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or what- I am feeling EXTRA grateful for everyone and everything that continues to be a blessing in my life! In no particular order, (and of course I'm leaving about a million things out), I am thankful for...

Addison. Sweet, fun, silly, smart, loving, perfect Addison.
Our little peanut. So amazing to be pregnant... SO thankful.
Mike. My patient, affectionate, helpful, giving, caring, AMAZING husband.
Family. Mine and the one I married into! Thankful for their daily love and support!
Dance eMotions. My DeM family. My DeM students. And most of my DeM parents ;)
My girlfriends, long-time and new! Laughter, support and fun every time!
My guy friends, many of whom were around back in DeM's starting days. Have been forever thankful for them since they helped put our first walls up, and they continue to make me thankful!
Good health, all around. Yay for that!
Second trimester!!
A roof over our head. Which I happen to still love, 4.5 years after buying.
Addison's teachers at school. They are teaching her so much, and she is growing into such a sweet, smart girl- thanks in large part to them!
Jacob Black ;)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I hope you all have a fabulous day of eating, and a long and restful NAP afterward!

Edited to add: THIS is what I am most thankful for:

1 comment:

Julie said...

That pictures is precious!!