Wednesday, February 24, 2010


If you work for me, I don't think it's too much to ask of you to:

a) Come to work when you're supposed to.
b) Do your job when you do come.
c) Not complain to me about your job when it's clearly stated in your contract what your job requirements are.

I mean, REALLY.


Hza said...

My bad. I'll try better next time.

sharontex said...

you go girl!
Remind me that you are a scary boss to work for if I ever ask for a job. :) Actually, the kids would be rather freaked out by my teaching dance since I can hardly cross the room without tripping.

Sarah said...

Sharon, I'm hardly scary. Which is why things have gotten to the point that they have with a certain instructor! :( Am working on being more assertive the first time I'm disappointed instead of letting things get out of hand!

And, with your sweet disposition, I'm sure the kids would LOOOVE you- whether you tripped over them or not :)