Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vista Ridge Dance Championship

Saturday, February 20th began at 7:00am when I checked our teams into our first team competition of the season. I hobbled (wasn't to waddling... YET) in and took care of everything that needed to be taken care of: turning in music, taking care of payment, etc.

Before going to the dressing room, I made a direct route to the directors hospitality suite for some coffee and breakfast so I could really start my day off right. And guess what I found in this hospitality room? Instant. Coffee. Blech. I got on the phone and asked Bess to bring me my coffee. No way was I going to be the smiley, nice dance teacher I needed to be with sciatica shooting down my left leg AND without coffee.

So, I headed to our dressing room and helped get our girls ready for their first performances and to brief the moms on the plan of attack for the day. And I drank my coffee that sweet Bess brought me.

We danced and ran back and forth and danced and ran back and forth and danced... ALL DAY LONG. Until 7:30pm. By the end of the day, my sciatica was shocking me all the way below the knee, and my hobble turned into a full-on waddle.

Addy did come for a few hours here and there and LOVED every second. She got to go to the practice gym where the teams rehearse right before competing, she watched the competition from front row, and she got to hang out in the dressing room with her favorite people, "the big girls". And of course she wore her tutu (which she got compliments on all day long and LOVED).

Here's a run-down of awards our girls received:
Here's a run-down of our division 1 trophies we received. Division 1 is when all judges gave us a score of 90 or better.
Junior Rising Star Division 1:Lyrical and Modern.
Rising Star Purple Division 1:Modern and Jazz.
Rising Star White Division 1:Jazz.
Envision Division 1:Modern.
All solos received division 1.
Junior Rising Stars: 1st place in Jazz, Lyrical and Modern.
Rising Stars Purple: 1st place in Modern, Jazz and Lyrical.
Rising Stars White: 1st place in Jazz and Novelty, 2nd place in Lyrical.
Envision: 1st place in Jazz, Lyrical and Modern.
Trio received 2nd place.

At the end of the day, a girl who worked all day long at the competition came up to me and said "I just want you to know that you were my favorite person all day." I looked at her like she was crazy and said "WHY?" She told me that I was smiley all day and always positive, and she dealt with grumpy people all day long, and she was always relieved when she saw it was me coming her way. How nice is that? I am glad that through horrible pain in my leg, and just the general stresses of competition, I was able to make people happy because I was happy. :)

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