Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"She said stupid"

One of our favorite songs on the Glee soundtrack, "Standing at your door", as Addy likes to call it ("it's really called My life would suck without you"), apparently has a "bad word" in it.

"Mommy, she said stupid."

This is the first time I've ever heard Addy repeat a word that we don't want her to repeat. And if I'm being honest, this surprises me, because she does hear more than just "stupid" on a more-regular-than-I'd-like-to-admit basis.

Anyway, my reaction was "yes, she does say that. That's a bad word, I don't want you to say it, ok?"

"She said stupid?"

"Yes, Addison, but don't repeat it. I don't want you saying it."

"Why did she say STUPID?"

"ADDISON. We can't listen to the song anymore. And you can't say that word ANYMORE. Do you understand?"

"I like Standing on your door! I won't say the bad word!"

So, now, we fight in the car, because the poor child NEEDS to hear the song, or else her life will just END right then and there. And I know that she just wants to hear the word stupid... so I don't let her listen to it.

There have been a couple of times that the song has come on and I didn't notice (probably was on the phone), and lo and behold... know what she does?

"Mommy, she said stupid."

1 comment:

Sarah said...

AHA! Found out tonight that anonymous is MOM!

Going to answer here on the blog, even though I already talked to you about this personally, mom.

If she hadn't pointed out that they said stupid, I'd have never made an issue out of it. Since she hasn't caught on that "sucks" is "bad", I'm leaving it alone for now.