Sunday, February 28, 2010


Two movies in one weekend. What is this, 1998?

The first movie Mike and I saw was Shutter Island. Just a short little review: IT'S CRAZY. It messed with my head. IT'S CRAZY. I had no idea going in, what it was about. To be honest, I knew it had Leonardo DiCaprio and was directed by Martin Scorcese, so I figured it was a mob type crime drama. Maybe the fact that I was SO WRONG about this made the movie even crazier to me. I don't know. All I know is... wait for it... IT'S CRAZY.

On Saturday I went all by my lonesome to see Celine Dion's movie "Through the Eyes of the World". It is a 2 hour film that's sort of like having VIP access to her recent world tour. (Which we saw when it came to San Antonio). I am really disappointed in any of you who might be thinking while reading this "Wow, I didn't even know Sarah liked Celine Dion...". Don't you know me at all?!?! She's only my favorite person ever. No dramatics involved. (okay, maybe some dramatics involved). Anyhoodles, this movie was like a little slice of heaven.

First of all. Two hours at the movies BY MYSELF? Nice. Mom, I really am sorry you couldn't join me. I know you would have loved it. But don't feel bad about canceling, it was very nice to have some quiet time and alone time. Secondly, the movie's only soundrtack was Celine's songs. Awesome. Third, it reaffirmed that Celine is a generous, loving, sweet, funny, talented mother, wife and singer. She is AMAZING. I left the movie wanting to see it again. I seriously would have stayed to watch the next showing, if there was a next showing. It was only released for 2 weeks, and only once a day at Gateway during those 2 weeks. It's now GONE FOREVER!!!

Hoping that she will release it on DVD. Then it can be in constant rotation with "Celine Dion Live In Vegas", which rarely leaves the dvd player in our bedroom.


1 comment:

kristine martinez said...

OMG! I didn't even know about this! Man I SO would have gone to see it with you.