Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Yes, I know that today was Mother's Day, a day all about celebrating ME! (and all of the other mommy's out there, too, of course) ;)

BUT, I just have to take a moment to celebrate my husband, for he has been so sweet, patient, hard working, just amazing the last couple of days.

I am nesting. Nesting seriously. Seriously nesting. And there are lots of things that my swollen feet and ever-growing belly won't let me do. So I am constantly asking him to do things for me. Such as: change out the laundry. The 10+ loads of laundry full of baby clothes- all under 6mos size. And steam clean the carpets. And hang the pictures (I'll be honest he hasn't gotten to that one yet). This list goes on and on, and is pretty constant.

Here's the thing. He doesn't only do these things, but he actually does them with a smile on his face and a willing attitude. It's so awesome, and I love him so much.

He gave me the best mother's day gift I could ask for! Work being done with a smile! :-)

Hope you all had wonderful Mother's Days as well!


gaga said...

nothing like a little peace and quite....huh?

Sarah said...

what? I don't get it.

gaga said...

you used to make fun of me for asking for that, having work done for you with a smile equals peace ad quiet in my mind

Christina said...

What a sweetie!!!