Sunday, November 28, 2010


So, you know they suggest introducing rice cereal anywhere from 4-6 months. I waited til 6 months with Addison, and decided to wait just as long with Aiden. Tonight while he sat in his bumbo watching me make dinner, I just saw it in his eyes (and in his voice- he was telling me he wanted some!) that it was time to start him on solids.

And boy, did he LOVE it! Of course he made a few "yucky" faces, trying to figure it all out. But once he got the hang of it, he fussed for more, and smiled after he got it! He took larger and larger bites, and hardly any missed his mouth- there was no spitting it back with this kid!

So funny how I felt like the time was right... and it totally was.

Forgive the lack of pics. We took a million, but none of them really turned out :-(


Mama Best said...

That first pic is awesome!!! Can't wait to hear how the first diaper is... : /

gaga said...

My thoughts exactly Melissa