Monday, February 2, 2009

Confessions of a pre-schooler

At the beginning of every dance class I have the kids stand up one at a time and say:
"Good morning (or afternoon) Ms. Sarah, my name is ..."
I then ask them if they have "news". News varies from kid to kid- and I have heard some cuh-razy things from these kiddos over the years.

I have decided to use my blog to share some of these stories with you. I am going to keep the kids names anonymous, because some of these stories would MORTIFY their parents. If they only knew what their kids were telling people behind closed doors!

I have two different "stories" to share today. The first actually was told in class tonight, the second was a few months ago but deserves a mention.

Tonight: (from a 4 year old class) This one just made me laugh :)
"Good afternoon, Ms. Sarah. My name is _____."
"Do you have news today?"
"Yes. Today I bit my brother and my mommy didn't know, so that was good. But then my brother told on me and my mommy sent me to time out. Mommy didn't know, but I was happy to be in time-out, because I could see the tv from time-out and Hannah Montana was on."

And, an even better one from another 4 year old class a few months ago...

"Good morning, Ms. Sarah. My name is ________."
"Do you have any news today?"
"Yes. My daddy got diarrhea in the kitchen."
"Oh, no. Well, that's enough news for today."
"It was so smelly, we had to go to the play room. And it was still so smelly in the play room. Mommy was mad at Daddy and made him clean it up. It still smells it in the house."

Is that not the grossest? I mean, really.

Kids say the darndest things.


The Newton's said...

First off, I could of done without that last story! GROSS!!

Anyways...I hope you don't mind, but I found your blog through Julie!! I was so happy to see what was going on in the world of Sarah! Your little one is too precious and I am so proud of you and your dance studio! Now, if I only had a little girl to participate!

Anonymous said...

We need to write a book of all these great quotes. I mean seriously I have heard some of the funniest stuff come out a those little kids mouths.

"My mommy told me that some kids die and nobody knows about it."

Thanks for those, they gave me a good laugh!