Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm gonna be frank in this email. The words poop, pee, poo poo, pee pee and potty will all be used. They are exactly what this post is about.

Okay. First off. Addison has always battled potty problems. She is on miralax daily, because she tends to stay on the constipated side, and pooping has never been easy for her. She was very constipated for a while, and one too many times of it hurting to poop has caused her to hold it in every time now. She's had lots of rashes, poor baby.
Moving on... Lately Addison has been announcing all of her poo poos and asking for a diaper change. She tries to get her diaper off. If we tell her it's time for a diaper change, she runs to her changing station and asks for her "hiney"/ aka Happy Hiney diaper cream prescribed by her doctor. This has been going on for a while and I've started wondering if it might be time for us to start potty training. I would have never thought that I would try before she was two. It's something that I've been very nervous about and was just fine putting it off for a while. But, after reading up a bit and talking to a few people, it sounds like she might be ready!

So, get this. We bought a little training potty. And when we took it out of the box to show it to her, she took her pants off and diaper off, and sat down on the potty all by herself. She just did it. All by herself! She knew to take her diaper off... I just think it's crazy that she might be potty training now!

She never did pee in the potty. She peed right next to it and that devastated her. You could tell she really wanted that to be IN the potty, not on the floor!!

I guess I'll keep you updated. All two of you. Keep checking in.


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, grandma said genius uncle frank was potty trained at 10 mos!!! So before 2 is not too early! Good Luck, I will babysit again when it is all done! (jk) love you GAGA

Haila said...

Seriously... ? Wait a minute... ? Already!