Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She did it!

I promised to keep both of you posted, ha! I'm hilarious!, anyway, excuse me. I promised to keep you posted, so here is an update.

Addy poo pooed on the potty! We were just playing in the living room, and she said her "poo poo" and was trying to take her diaper off. So we asked her if she wanted to sit down on her potty, she said yes, we sat her down, and... poop!

I wanted to take a picture of the poop, because I am SO proud of her! But then I reminded myself that I am not a crazy person so I changed my mind. I don't have any pictures of the poop. Kate Gossling, Jon and Kate plus 8, did take pictures of each of her kids standing next to their first poops. So I'm not the only crazy one.

So, "potty training" is going well. I mean, really, all we were doing is letting Addy sit on her potty whenever she wants to. If she doesn't want to, we don't push it at all. But we had success today!



Anonymous said...

I have always known she is a gifted child! :-) Way to go Addison and parents!

Brittany said...

Yay Addison!!! That is so exciting! Sarah, it sounds like y'all are going at it the right're such a good mom :)
PS. I am glad you didn't take poop pictures haha.

Haila said...

Yay Addy!!! I'm kinda sad you didn't get a photo of her proudly standing next to her poo. ;)