Sunday, September 12, 2010

Work it, Girl!

"Oh, hi there. You see this look I'm giving you? The look of sheer confidence? Mommy thinks I look drunk in this picture, but I don't know what that means. All I know is that I'm posing this way because this Halloween Costume makes me feel SO pretty and sassy. I've only been asking for a Minnie Mouse costume since BEFORE I was Tinkerbell LAST year. It's been a long time coming. I can barely contain myself! And you don't have to tell me- I KNOW I'm cute."


Kyle, Laurel, Elle and Brett said...

She's a sassy thang! Love it! And don't you love how excited they are to dress up for Halloween. The Minnie Mouse costume is really cute!!

gaga said...

Thats the exact one I found on line, shoes and all....what a cute thing!

gaga said...

this is also the minnie mouse stance!

Sarah said...

oh she's WELL AWARE that this is the Minnie Mouse stance.