Friday, January 29, 2010

After School Story

I love talking to Addison on our way home from school. She really talks to me and will answer my questions, and I feel like I actually get good information from her about how her day was.

Today I asked her "how was your day?"
"I had to go to time out" (she did sound sad when she said this)
"Oh, no, Addison. Why?"
"I pushed Erin" (her best friend at school)
"Oh, no, Addison. That wasn't nice. We don't push our friends. We don't push anybody. Did you tell Erin you're sorry?"
"I told Ms. Amy I'm sorry. I'll tell Erin when we get back to school."
"Uh, yeah, you really need to do that!"
"I really am sorry!!!" (voice starts shaking, tears are just under the eyelids, ready to explode at any second.)
"Oh, honey, I know you're sorry. I'm glad you're sorry. And you'll apologize when you see her at school."
"Okay, Mommy."
"Okay, Addison"

1. I can't believe she pushed her friend!
2. Good for her teacher for putting her in time-out.
3. I didn't mean to make her feel guilty about it! Now I feel guilty!
4. I love my sweet girl. Pushing and all. Ay yi yi...

1 comment:

gaga said...

a little guilt can go a long way....good for her for 1. being honest and 2. feeling guilty!