Friday, January 8, 2010

Bedtime Stories

In my estimation, Addison has near one hundred books. Not an exaggeration. Some old, lots new, many of them were given as gifts from friends and family.

We read to Addison every night, (try to make it two books a night, if time permits), and let her pick out her stories every time.

For the last few weeks, the following three books have been the only books Addy presents to us to read to her at bed time. We try to offer new, different books, but she just really is into these books at the moment:

The Monster at the End of This Book
This book is special to us, because it was given to us at one of my baby showers for Addison. Our good friends Brandon and Haila wrote a sweet note on the first page of the book, and Addison likes for us to read that part every time as well. I didn't know this book from growing up, but Mike has fond memories. It's a fun book to read, I don't blame Addison for loving it as much as she does!

Barbie and the Three Musketeers
To go along with the movie that she would watch all day, every day if we let her. Santa brought her a Corrinne Barbie, and she loves the dang doll as well.

Hug and Make Up
We got this one with a Chick-Fil-A Kids Meal, and she loves it. It's got a good message, so I'll go along with it.

I can't wait for her to notice and/or care about the other books she has to choose from! She loves her story time and I feel like she'd just get so much more out of it if we could diversify her stories every now and again! Whatever though, I'm just glad I have a daughter interested in reading.


Casey and Katy Blackburn said...

DEFINITELY FEEL BLESSED AND LUCKY! :) Austin is such a control freak that we have never been able to have story time b/c...
#1 - he can't sit still long enough for a story
#2 - he doesn't allow me to hold the book and read it to him. he wants to be in control holding the book and flipping the pages on his time so i am never able to get through reading a page before he moves on.

We are working on this and hope to be able to have story time one day. :)


Haila said...

Girl has good taste! As Mike has fond memories of the Grover book, so do Brandon and I. I hope that Addy ends up remembering the book fondly as well. It's such a fun little read. Do you all do Grover's silly voice when you read it?

Sarah said...


Mike does a much better Grover voice, but yes, we do both try :)


I know I've never told you this, but I so admire you and the wonderful job you do as a mommy. I really, really do :) (glad you enjoy my silly blog, btw)