Monday, January 4, 2010

What about ME??

Here's what's been going on with me lately.

Today I received my first un-prompted "Mommy, I love you" from my sweet girl. Kinda felt like the best moment of my entire life.

Am in the throws of picking out and ordering recital costumes. Am disappointed with this year's selection in "baby" costumes. There are some gorgeous older girl costumes, too bad we have way more babies to order for. I will find the best of the best, though, don't you worry, mommies :)

Am also registering for our competitions. First one is at the end of this month, last one is at the end of April. It's gonna be a busy season!

Found out that one of my instructors is leaving at the beginning of June. My due date is May 31. This will be tricky.

Saw Avatar in 3D at the IMAX. WOW. For a movie that I wasn't really even super excited about seeing, I really enjoyed it. My Uncle Frank and I both agreed that we'd like to see it without the 3D, at times (for me, many times) it was distracting. But all in all, a GREAT movie.

Also saw Sherlock Holmes. I really enjoyed this one as well. I kind of have a thing for Robert Downey Junior. He's supa hot in my book. The movie was clever, funny, action-packed, all around a fun movie.

Feeling baby move more and more. Now, when I don't feel the baby move, I get nervous... I hate that feeling.

I've developed a hunger for Hot Wings. Preferably with blue cheese, but ranch will do too.

Proved to myself that it's impossible to be "Sees Candied out". The open package next to me in bed at this moment proves this.

Read six books on my new Kindle. Loooove that thing.

Trying hard to be patient... next Wednesday is the big day... when we find out if this little peanut is the boy kind or girl kind. Then I will finally be able to plan and get ready!


Hza said...

We're excited to hear if it's a boy or girl!

Em and I picked out an awesome bumble-bee costume for myself, just in case you're wondering.

sharontex said...

I wantto know if it is a boy or girl too! Saw a belly photo on your cute! Hope to see you soon. Hopefully we will have bunko.

Christina said...

Can't wait to hear what you're having!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheryl said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for the boy kind!