Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Not in a Good Mood. You've Been Warned.

Why does blogging feel so cathartic to me? Why do I want to get online and VENT? It's not because I'm not venting to my husband, because oh, I vent.

I had a whole three paragraphs here that I just deleted. Bummer. It did feel kind of good to get some frustration out in writing, but pressing delete took most of the satisfaction away with it.

You know, I try my best. I love my job. I'm not perfect. I'm a mom of 2 kids. A baby who doesn't let me get anything done, ever, and a little girl who is growing up way too fast. I run a business. I'm stressed out. I have the responsibility of ordering 400+ costumes for recital. I register for and attend multiple competitions all spring. I organize and put on a HUGE recital. I direct 2 dance teams. I teach the majority of our classes for students under the age of 4. I have a lot on my plate.

I guess that's all I have to say.

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